Please click and download the document below. You will use this document as an answer sheet throughout this WebQuest. 

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PART 1: WELCOME TO THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE: The Harlem Renaissance marked a cultural period during the 1920’s when African-Americans celebrated their heritage through music, art, literature, politics and social movements. View the following website to answer the questions:

1. What is another name for the Harlem Renaissance?

2. What contributed to the beginnings of this movement?

3. What were some common themes within the movement?

4. List at LEAST 5 major authors, musicians, or political leaders associated with this movement.

5. Even after this movement ended, what enduring influences did it have on future generations?

6.How could the Harlem Renaissance have impacted today's society? explain.

PART 2:Poets

Select two of the writers from the list below and answer the questions for each of them. 

Langston Hughes

Zora Neale Hoursten

Claude McKay

Jessie Fauset

1. In three sentences describe the important  biographical information about this author?

2. What influenced this author's work? 

3. Find one of this author's works and and explain the tone of the writing.  What does this tone tell you about the author?

4. Identify one question your still have about this author's life or writing. 

PART 3: ALL THAT JAZZ MUSIC: Go to the following site to read about three different jazz musicians of the Harlem Renaissance. For each of the authors fill out the chart on your answer sheet. You will need to identify each of the following in the chart:

Jazz Musicians

1. Three facts about each musician

2. One adjective describing the song which you listen to. 

3. Analyze the author's purpose for the song you select

PART 4: DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY: Many clubs such as the Cotton Club featured talented African-American musicians in Harlem.

View the link to discover:

1. Who were some famous patrons?

2. What types of patrons were permitted to dance in this club?

3. What was the original name of the club?

4. Think: If you were an African-American musician, how might you feel in this club
after you had just finished playing your set?

PART 5: EXPRESSION THROUGH ART: Like the music and literature of the Harlem 
Renaissance, visual artists painted or sculpted a rich variety of interpretations about 
African-American culture and heritage. 
View the link
1. Who were some famous artists of the Harlem Renaissance?
2. Think: Compare and contrast your two favorite pieces of art from this
website. How were these examples representative for the period?

PART 6: REFLECTION: Using what you have learned complete the following activity.

Write a letter to today's society pretending to be one of the writers/artists of the time period. Explain the time period which you live in. What is challenging about it? What is magical about it? Why is it important to learn about the Harlem Renaissance?

When you are done save your document and submit it on Edmodo.